Vous souhaitez présenter votre produit
dans le dossier spécial CFIA ?

Complétez le formulaire suivant :


Company name


Email address

Respondent's email address

Vous recevrez un message de confirmation à cette adresse.
You will receive a confirmation message at this address.

Press contact

Last name / First name

Email address

Distributor in France



Vous pouvez nous adresser ces informations sur 2 ou 3 nouveautés ; dans ce cas, merci de remplir une page par produit.
You can send us this information on 2 or 3 new products; in this case, please complete one page per product.







1 - Type of hardware/service/software/ingredients:

2 - Commercial name:

3 - Are you presenting this novelty at the innovation trophies?

4 - Description of the material (or product):

Présentez votre produit en 1 000 signes maximum.
Present your product in a maximum of 1,000 characters.

5 - Is it an evolution of a previously existing material?

6 - If yes: please specify in a few lines the improvements made since the previous version.

Présentez votre produit en 500 signes maximum.
Present your product in a maximum of 500 characters.

7 - Image of the product in JPEG format (minimum 1MB – maximum 5MB):







1 - Type of hardware/service/software/ingredients:

2 - Commercial name:

3 - Are you presenting this novelty at the innovation trophies?

4 - Description of the material (or product):

Présentez votre produit en 1 000 signes maximum.
Present your product in a maximum of 1,000 characters.

5 - Is it an evolution of a previously existing material?

6 - If yes: please specify in a few lines the improvements made since the previous version.

Présentez votre produit en 500 signes maximum.
Present your product in a maximum of 500 characters.

7 - Image of the product in JPEG format (minimum 1MB – maximum 5MB):

Would you like to advertise in the February 2025 issue, special CFIA? (charged)

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